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From 2021


This year, FirstLife has developed a platform dedicated to educational programs. Started in 2016 with the TeenCarTO project (in collaboration with the geography research group of the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society), they are now collected in a single platform, a large container, where all the considerations, analyses and proposals that have emerged can be traced in order to gradually build a collective geography of the teenagers’ city.

The aim of the educational paths is to raise awareness among young people on issues of public interest, using the digital as a tool to amplify reality and give voice to their specific needs, which are often underrepresented.

This year, two schools took part in the civic and digital education activities: the I.C Perotti Toscanini Secondary School in District 3 and a group of students from the Jesuit Fathers Social Institute in District 2.

The FirstLife courses are organised in didactic modules calibrated to the needs and expectations that emerge during the first stages of confrontation and acquaintance with teachers and students: in-depth studies with experience and direct knowledge of the territory, analysis techniques and tools such as the ‘inverted classroom’, mind maps, immersive walks, field analyses and meetings/interviews with community protagonists and with representatives of public and private territorial realities and institutions offering services for young people.

In the course of the 2021/2022 school year we have involved the following realities: Gruppo Abele Onlus, Associazione Eufemia, Ecocentro-Iren, Legambiente Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta, Toponomastica femminile in particular in the person of its President Francesca Troise and the Centro Adolescenti, Monica Cerutti political activist for inclusion, Invasioni creative and TheGate Porta Palazzo.

Technical Partners

I.C Perotti Toscanini Secondary School, Jesuit Fathers Social Institute (Torino)