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Civic Tech Party


We would like to thank all those who took part in the event Civic Tech Party - Digital Civic Technologies for Communities the hybrid-mode seminar (in-person and online, with free admission) aimed at the university community and local stakeholders to discuss the opportunities offered by digital civic technologies for the production of public value with a view to equity and sustainability.

CIVIC TECH PARTY was organized by the Territories and Digital Communities research group a the Computer Science Department of the University of Turin, in collaboration with CPS - Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, UNCEM - Unione Nazionale Comuni Comunità Enti Montani and ANCI PIEMONTE - Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani.

It was hosted at the Sala Lauree Rossa at CAMPUS LUIGI EINAUDI - Lungo Dora Siena, 100A - TORINO, on Wednesday, October 5 - from 2:30 to 6:30 pm.

The proposal was part of the calendar of the Festival of Sustainable Development, promoted by Asvis - Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development, the largest Italian initiative to raise awareness of civil society on the issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability, which is divided into traditional in-person and online events to encourage discussion, share the best initiatives and stimulate demands that from below commit the country’s leadership to the commitments made at the UN with the 2030 Agenda.

For those who were not there and for those who want to keep track of the issues addressed, here is the link to listen back to the seminar: https://bit.ly/3RVFY81

For easier enjoyment, we leave indication of the program of the speeches, moderated by Monica Cerutti:

  • Opening > Guido Boella - Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Turin for the promotion of relations with businesses and business associations and for coordination with industrial innovation initiatives in the territory and scientific head of the research group Territories and Digital Communities
  • at minute 19:00 > Marco Bussone, UNCEM President: “Places of community:restarting from villages to regenerate territories”
  • at minute 40:19 > Giacomo Pettenati of the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society: “Right to mountains and digital technologies: from infrastructure to the exercise of citizenship”
  • at minute 56:40 > Michele Pianetta, Vice President with responsibility for Innovation and Smart Cities of ANCI PIEMONTE: “Piedmont: innovation and development of mountain and rural communities”
  • at minute 01:06:00 > Laura Cantarella of OSTANA - SMART RURAL 21: “Smart Villages for rural communities: the case of Ostana”
  • at minute 01:33:28 > Claudio Schifanella, Eloheh Mason and Cristina Viano: “Presentation and demo of FirstLife, geo-referenced civic social network, and CommonsHood, Blockchain-based wallet app.”

We will work to ensure that this is only the first in a series of events, because, as emerged yesterday afternoon, it is increasingly urgent to be able to establish alliances and collaborations with territories and communities in order to transfer the skills needed to kick-start a concrete revitalization process.

And digital civic technologies can play a key role.

Thank you and see you at the next Civic Tech Party!